I have never understood how people make relationships work when they don't have stuff in common. I don't mean you need to be the same sort of people. I haven't had many relationships, but of the few that I've had they've been based on sharing interests and doings. Jared and I are very, very different kinds of people, but we care about many of the same things, have lots of the same interests, and take part in the same activities. We met in a larp, to begin with, and we both are into many of the same things like gaming and theater. We talk endlessly about this stuff, and it makes me wonder what people who don't do and care about the same things talk about. I know you need differences to keep things dynamic, but how do you spend time together when you don't have activities you like to share?Of course, I do believe that different personalities in a relationship make things work better. Two people in love should complement each other, each strong in ways the other might possibly not be. Jared is sensitive where I am tough, he is smart while I am sensible. We make each other better that way. But it means a lot to me that we have so much in common that we never run out of things to talk about.
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