Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Slew o' userpics

Was suddenly overcome with the desire to upload more userpics. I went to more of my pictures of myself as Puck and the Fool. The Puck pictures are fun because of the interesting body positions, sharp colors, and cool makeup. The Fool pictures I use because of how expressive they are. I name all the Puck ones "Puck 1" and "Puck 2" and so forth because they're mostly just variations on a theme, but each one of the Fool shows a different feeling or emotional state, so they get names like "Ranting Fool" and "Tired Fool" and "Cavalier Fool" and "Cool Fool."

Heh. Thinking about it now, I must say I believe the Fool was the best performance I ever gave on stage. Thank you, Frances, for giving that to me.

That said, instead I give you Puck and His Fine, Fine Ladies. Fairy pimpin', yo.


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