Monday, September 21, 2009

Gamer blasphemy

What I'm about to say is probably going to cost me a lot of geek credit, but that is a risk I'm willing to take. I'm sure all of you are familiar with the fairly recent closing of Danger Planet, what I understood to have been the only gaming store of its kind in the local Waltham area. This loss was mourned by many, and when people heard that it was going to be replaced by a day spa of some kind, many curses were laid upon the heads of those who allowed nail care and perms to triumph over a sanctuary of our favorite hobby. But, as it turns out, the space that was Danger Planet's is not going to be a day spa. Oh, no. It's going to be a butcher shop and fish market.

Am I a bad geek for how happy this makes me?

In the course of my learning to cook I'm also trying to learn about cuts of meat and fish, a subject I have heretofore found not only inscrutable but even a little intimidating. For this purpose I've been spending a lot of time watching Alton Brown, and he suggests finding a good butcher shop where you can get to know the butchers who work there and be able to ask them questions. I am really happy to have a local source for such a thing. I've never found Hannaford's selection to be all that great. I find the quality at the Butcherie in Brookline very much better, but it's a bit of a drive to get there, and because it's kosher it's awfully expensive. This seems like an excellent local alternative. So, as sorry as I am to see gaming as a hobby in Waltham take a blow, those of you I invite to dinner will benefit from my access to higher quality meat and fish.


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