Friday, September 18, 2009

Events of the day

I like my office on Fridays. Everybody works from home that day, so I have the place basically to myself. I work best when I'm given an assignment and allowed to go off on my own to do it, and get it back to you when I'm done. I don't like people looking over my shoulder as I work, so the fewer people around, the less that happens. I'm such an antisocial nerd sometimes. :-)

I just recieved word that my Oz bid has been accepted for Intercon J, huzzah! That means the second round of games is posted, and I am officially on the list. Looking over them, I see an interesting game called A Night at the Eden Opera House that sounds like it could be fun, but I think my original assessment of wanting to prioritize The Last Seder and Survivors of the Naronic stands. I suppose it wouldn't be impossible to do all three and run Oz, if the scheduling stars align, but as I said, I prefer to do three events in a weekend so as to have social and relaxation time as well.

My house will be overrun with people this weekend, none of them invited by me, and I'm already starting to feel crowded. It's Rosh Hashana this weekend, which means the parents of one of my roommates come in, take over my kitchen to make the holiday dinner, and generally make me feel like I'm no longer allowed to use my house. They're very nice people, and it's kind of them to invite me to their dinner, but to my sensibilities they've been uncomfortably intrusive. Also, we have a guest staying in the basement for an entire week, and despite the fact that it's not my guest I find myself in the position of being latched on to for company whenever they visit. I kind of want to disappear for the whole weekend, but I'm afraid I will come off as rude to the people who are trying to be nice by inviting me to things, as well as to Jared and some others who want me around. Ah, well. Maybe when they're off at services I can get a little alone time.


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