I can be such a dumbass. Whenever a due date for school comes up, I end up feeling like I don't have enough time and spend the last handful of days leading up to it killing myself to get my analytical responses and my dramatic writing done. I have trouble using bits and pieces of time to get anything done; it requires a mental shift for me to do buckle down into the work, which means I need a decent-sized chunk of time to really dig into my assignments. And when it's finally done, I feel so brain-drained I want to take a break for a few days... after which point, there's ANOTHER due date just a few days away again, and I'm back in the same situation. *Sigh* On top of that, I'm trying to figure out what promises to be the most complex, delicate, and elaborate blocking for Merely Players, which I want to have ready to teach the cast by this Sunday's rehearsal. Speaking of which, does anybody have any time during the day on Saturday to maybe help me work some of the choreography out? In case you're wondering, yes, though not precisely the same, this does technically qualify as "all my shows must have a dance!" ;-)
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