I have had an idea for a photography project that is silly and dorky and I think would be cute and fun. I want to get a long table, cover it with gaming paraphernalia, sourcebooks and dice and character sheets and battle mats and minis and suchlike, and then set up a bunch of people around it arranged in the same poses as the figures in Da Vinci's Last Supper. Everyone could wear their nerdy T-shirts or their cloaks and elf ears or look like goths or punks or whatever style else that is associated with gamer culture. I kind of want to myself in the middle, because I'm arrogant like that, and be DM Jesus. ;-) I think I'd call it The Last Session, or something like that.
So I need twelve people to volunteer to be my models. I need a photographer too. I might be able to get my brother to do it, if he has time, but if anyone else is interested, let me know.
So who's game? :-)
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