At long last, Larpercalia is here and it is time to see everything we've worked on over the last year come to pass. I am very pleased with myself, and with the hard work everyone on the con com has done. We have a full, balanced schedule of almost all brand-new games that by this point have nearly every slot filled! Hooray! Congrats to everyone who contributed to making that happen.
I am really looking forward to all this, not only because Festival is one of my favorite weekends a year, but because it will be extremely validating if the things we planned and the ideas we used go off without a hitch. Some things were done a little differently this year (the idea of pinch-hitters, for example) so I would be pleased to see them work the way I hope they will.
Got Prince Comes of Age tonight. I'm so glad for Bernie, Matt, and especially Kindness that they put this together. After briefly being held by Ryan, the title of Newest Game Writer to Come Out of Brandeis now goes to Jonathan. I think I will enjoy my character and the chance to wear my pretty costumes. I would like to have pictures of me in it that I don't hate, if someone would be kind enough to take them, and patient enouh to put up with my whining.
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