Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart.
1. Listen when I talk. I developed the geek defense mechanism of assuming people aren't necessarily interested in what I like to talk about, so my default setting is to assume people aren't paying that close attention. It makes me feel special when you demonstrate you absorbed the things I said.
2. Recognize the ways I am special and unique from anyone else.
3. Have interests, pursuits, abilities, and passions. Do things, and care about things.
4. Take an interest in my work. Want to read my writing, play my games, see my plays, want to discuss them, and offer opinions and suggestions.
5. Have discernment. Be able to evaluate a situation for proper behavior, for proper response, for quality, for significance. Show me you have good judgment.
6. Be brave. No matter how afraid you are, push through it and get things done anyway.
7. Be good. Care about the right thing, and do your best to do it.
8. Be selfless. I admire it above almost anything else.
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