I have finally gotten a Twitter account. I feel like a dirty sellout, but I caved and now I have one. I was using Google Buzz anyway, which is basically the same thing except part of my mail client, and I like having lots of new things to read, so I figured if I'm going to be a microblogging slut I might as well own it. :-P Even though I think it's kind of a silly expression of an inclination toward narcissism and time-wasting, I can see why it appeals to me-- it's another outlet for my content-generation compulsion with lots of new, if brief, material that updates very quickly. My name is breakinglight11 if you'd care to follow me, though I warn you most of my entries are along the lines of "Stupid thing I observed about something only I care about." As an early commenter on Twitter said, if I were doing something really interesting, like a daring rescue or engineering a cure for cancer, instead of avoiding the mountain of writing I have to do, I wouldn't have time to Tweet it, nor could I adequately describe it in a single sentense.
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