Saturday, September 11, 2010

I don't clean because it's fun, you know

I always take slight issue when someone characterizes me as "loving to clean." I must gently disagree, my dear, with that assessment. Yes, I often wake up early even on the weekends to have time to devote to chores, but I only wish I could teach myself to love cleaning. I also wish I could teach myself to love exercise and hate the taste of Coke and cake frosting. Then certain desireable behaviors wouldn't all be so much of a pain in the ass. But alas, I love sugars and fat, I really do not like most kinds of physical activity, and I get no joy out of the act of cleaning itself. In fact, I frankly distrust anyone who says they "love to clean." When you encounter someone who describes themselves that way, it tends to be a sign that they don't clean enough for it to have become a real chore yet. Because believe you me, it certainly loses any fun or novelty it might have had given how much work that means on a regular basis. What I do get out of it, however, is an extreme sense of wellbeing of the results thereof, having a neat, orderly, and sanitary space in which to feel comfortable and relaxed. It's very disconcerting for me how frequently I encounter people who don't clean on a regular basis because they "don't like it." I don't exactly view that as something that factors into the necessity of the operation. I must say, one of the most surreal and funny moments I've experienced in recent memory is when I excused myself from a social activity on the grounds of having to go do chores, the response I got was, "But you did chores last week."


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