Have been very much enjoying having Frances around this week. I had a dinner for her on Friday night, which though it had some logistical issues turned out to be lovely. I served chicken in a pureed sauce of carrot, onion, cider, and heavy cream, and after dinner the conversation lasted well into the night. I do not often spend a lot of time in the company of other girls, and how much I enjoyed it this time makes me think that it is something I could stand to do more often. Also in Frances's honor I attended the Hold Thy Peace open mic night they had on Saturday. It was fun just doing some Shakespeare riffs with my fellow friends and actors-- I got to read Petrucchio to Steph's Katherine, for example, a role I've always thought would be fun. It's made me really happy to have had this time to spend with her. And hey, anything that makes me less of a hermit and keeps me from falling asleep at ten is okay in my book.
In other social news, Jared is coming in again this weekend! He had a couple of interviews arise, so on the plane he will hop. Sadly he will miss Frances by one day. :-( He plans on being at BSCF and hopes to see people, so I encourage you to come to gaming this week to hang out with us. I will have to plan other interesting things for us to do while he's here, but that's a good start.
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