Monday, May 10, 2010

Show to audition for!

I have a show to audition for this summer! I will be trying out for a local production of Love's Labor's Lost next week, directed by the awesome Shelby Bleweiss. My life feels a lot less complete when I don't have a piece of theater to do and the fact that it's a Shakespeare makes it even better, so this is a very good thing for me. I don't know much about this particular play, so I am doing some research; it seems a bit atypical of Shakespeare. I shall have to prepare a decent monologue and cross my fingers.

Been reading a lot of Sherlock Holmes lately, mostly the ones I'm less intimately familiar with. I've read every novel and story at least once, but some many, many more times than others and some when only when I was quite young, so I'm going back to the ones I haven't already read to death. :-) I've always loved the character, and part of me wishes that I had some facility with observing things and being able to draw such accurate conclusions from them the way Holmes does. I'm not very good at solving the mysteries as I read-- I've only ever managed to solve a few of them ever --but I like trying. I've never been excessively bothered by mysteries that don't give the reader enough of the clues to figure it out, but in many Sherlock Holmes stories it is theoretically possible, so I enjoy trying to crack them myself.

Tonight I will make myself meatloaf, one of my favorite comfort foods. Normally I'm very much not a comfort eater-- more like a comfort not-eater --but tonight I want something nice and heavy. It also yields lots of leftovers that I can eat on sandwiches for a couple of days after. I'm usually not a big fan of kitchen-sink-type dishes, but this way to make it that I learned from my mother has always been a standby meal for me.


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