Stressy-stressy. On top of everything else, had lots of work stress earlier this week and a giant zip has exploded out of my head. It's so big it's practically giving me neck strain holding the damn thing up. I am naming it Armando. You see, when the thing is STARING YOU IN THE FACE next time you see me, DEMANDING THAT YOU ACKNOWLEDGE ITS DOMINION OVER MY FOREHEAD, it will only be polite that you have a name by which to address it.
In non-facial-conquest news, I'm working on preparing for the audtion for Love's Labor's Lost I am going to on Tuesday. I'm never sure when bringing a theatrical resume to an audition displays you as professional or as pretensious. I realized I hadn't updated mine with Romeo and Juliet or To Think of Nothing, so I decided to do that, but I'm not sure I should bring one to the next audition I'm going to. On one hand, it can look like a gesture of professionalism and respect to the person you're auditioning for. On the other hand, it can make you look like you think entirely too much of yourself as an ACK-TOR.
Speaking of which, if you'd like to stage manage a Shakespeare show this summer, the production I'm auditioning for is still in need of one. Let me know if you're interested, and I'll put you in touch with Shelby Bleweis, the very cool director, and an HTP alum!
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