Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Tonight-- chitons!

Last night Bernie and I went to the fabric store to find cloth to wrap the Graces in for chitons for To Think of Nothing. We found some nice muslin that would work appropriately, and it looks like we'll probably be able to repurposes it after the show for curtain material for Julius Caesar. We're also sharing makeup, which contributes to budgetary restraint. I plan on messing around with the fabric today to figure out how I want the chitons to look, then taking it with me to rehearsal tonight. It's going to be all about the Graces; we're going to be working on synchronicity of movement, body position, and timing with them, as well as what I hope will be the final fitting of them into their costumes. I shall be sure to bring plenty of safety pins.

Hmm. Says it's supposed to start snowing by ten. If that's the case, I hope it stays light until after one when I get out of work. I hate driving on slippery roads; not being able to brake properly terrifies me.


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