As you may know, most of my family is Italian-American; both of my grandfathers were the sons of Italian immigrants. But my maternal grandmother is Russian, and my paternal one, my Gigi, is half-English, half-Scotch-Irish. My Gigi's mother was a scion of an old Scottish family in Pennsylvania called the Lynns. They're the only even vague connection to class my family has, the rest of us being various varities of European peasant. ;-) The cool thing is, the Lynns, being Scottish, quite old, and at one point the vassals of a family with royal blood, were permitted to wear a particular tartan, which I have come upon:

I actually kind of like it. So technically, being a descendant of the Lynns and with no other superceding Scottish ancestry, I have the right to wear this plaid as my family tartan. :-) Kind of cool, huh?
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