Friday, July 3, 2009

Chores, writing, workout

Today is a day for chores and for writing, honestly the kind of day that leaves me the most contented and at peace. The house is clean, there are fresh sheets on the bed, and the laundry is folded and put away. Now there is just my room to straighten up now; it needs dusted and vaccuumed and wood polished.

Once all that is done, I'm going to settle down to some serious work. I'm going to lay out the first planned session of my Burn Notice game-- Bernie, lightgamer, morethings5, and Marissa will make up my player pool --and once the characters are built, I want to hit the ground running with it. Also, I've finally figured out the extra plotline I think Oz needs, so I'm going to work that out as well, and then write it into the appropriate character sheets. I'm hoping to get a run going when Jared visits the weekend of the 18th, so I need to get it nailed down before then. I'm so glad to have a date finally nailed down for the visit; it's been entirely too long.

I'm enjoying my workout lately, and have been sticking to it pretty well. I think it's helping, but it's a little tough to tell; I'm certainly not quite at the level of definition I want yet. It's a little more than a week after the last tummy shot was taken, but here's the current state of things:


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