Last night I saw Star Trek with my parents, and I must say, I was not expecting to enjoy it as much as I did. It was a really fun movie.
Now, not being much of a Star Trek fan, I have seen only a handful of episodes of the original recipe. I'm probably a little too steeped in the parody-culture that has risen up around it. I am, after all, the girl who owns the badydoll shirt with "Khaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!" on it. But it felt like a worthy addition to the canon (as loose as the meaning of that word may be.) Again, true fans might not necessarily agree, but I thought all the castings were brilliant. I loved the guy who played Kirk-- to me, he captured the spirit of this maverick kind of guy, and felt enough like Shatner while still not directly imitating him. When he was sitting in the captain's chair in that classic pose, he really struck me as having captured the character. I can't decide whether I find him cheesy or hot. Heh, seeing as it's Kirk, that's probably about right. I also was really impressed with Zachary Quinto as Spock. I liked the slightly-uncomfortable-in-his-own-skin vibe he gave off, trying to balance his human and his Vulcan side-- which contrasted so nicely for me with the older Spock, who has had so much more time to learn how to achieve that balance. Simon Pegg as Scottie and Karl Urban (!) as Bones McCoy were absolute treats. I didn't even recognize Karl Urban, the guy who played Eomer in Lord of the Rings. I've been told they were played more comedically than they were in the series, but they were so much fun for me to watch that I don't really mind. I am so pleased by how much more I enjoyed it than I thought I would, so I am extremely glad I went to see it. :-) The only thing that disappointed me was the distinct lack of pause-acting. And now I need a T-shirt that reads "Spock! SPOCK!" ;-)
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