Saturday, May 30, 2009

Note II on Lewis

One incredibly amusing thing in Surprised by Joy. I have met a number of people who say that they can't fully enjoy a lot of Lewis's work because they were distracted and annoyed by the Christian overtones. Apparently, before his conversion, Lewis was a fan of a lot of Christian authors who at the same time irritated him because he was distracted and annoyed by the Christian overtones. :-)

On a related note, despite being raised Christian and having been exposed to the Narnia books from a very young age, I did not detect the religious significance until it was pointed out to me by a book of commentary on the series. Didn't notice it at all, even in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe where it is the most overt. Maybe I was a remarkably slow child. That is possible. In fact, I went to a week-long church camp once with an extremely heavy Narnia theme, and I was completely perplexed as to why it was present at all-- the connection escaped me that completely. The fact that they never bothered to EXPLAIN the connection, probably just taking for granted that it existed and that we quite small children were aware of it, may not have been the best way to deal with the matter for us kiddies. ;-)


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