Friday, February 27, 2009

Shrewd and knavish sprite

Yesterday was a very good day. Spent most of it hanging out with and working with Jared, then rehearsal and a very fun BSCF. Rehearsal went well; I enjoyed the blocking for the scene I get Bottom transformed into an ass. I am quite impressed with Kindness in the role of Bottom; he's doing so much with it, and as I told him, he's going to blackjack this show from behind, throw a bag over its head, and carry it off over his shoulder. I'm feeling better about my end of things as well, if not perfectly. For Puck I have to creep along in a crawl a lot of the time, and I'm able to do it but not without some soreness afterward, but fortunately after a week of it my muscles are starting to get used to it. I'm still not a hundred percent feeling the Puck I'm being asked to play, but it's getting better now. I do enjoy the creeping sneakiness of it. I had a breif pang of nervousness when I realized this would be the first rehearsal I'd have with Frances, and I was slightly insecure about what she'd think. But of course, she was as generous and and unjudging as always, and said some nice stuff about what I was doing. That made me feel good.

I also got my costume yesterday. I love getting my costume, it makes me feel so much more in character. The various elements of it are strange-- an extremely long red coat, a red sash, an orange obi-thingy, a weird beige thing that looks like a tablecloth with a hole in the center --but when put altogether, I really liked it. The coat goes on first, then I put my head through the hole in the tablecloth, then the red sash gets crisscrossed over my toso so that the tablecloth becomes a tunic, and the orange one goes around my waist. It looks cool and Asiatic in a strange way, and the coat gives the impression of a tail. Marissa is an incredibly talented costumer; it really impresses me how she could look at such random pieces and figure out a great way to put them together.


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