I've had some very nice conversations with witticaster*lately. We don't usually talk like that, and it was really nice, so perhaps it's something I should seek out a little more often.
Yet again, we got the Hold Thy Peace allotment from F-Board, and the results are not good. In fact, even worse than last year-- $750.00 out of a $1750.00 request. So that means we need to budget the hell out of this show. The biggest thing that worries me is that certain parties seem to have a mentality that our fundraising account, the money in the club's bank account that isn't part of what F-Board gives us, is there to expand our budget. That isn't right at all, it's there so we can take care of problems that may arise. Yeah, F-Board giving us a thousand dollars less than we asked for is pretty bad, but Hold Thy Peace is going to have shows after this one, and it really wouldn't be fair to wipe out the rainy day fund. What I think we should shoot for is doing everything in our power to stay within the $750, and then use the account for when we inevitably go a few hundred over. But again, I really don't think it's okay to budget past what we were given. I'm the treasurer of the club, so nobody gets reimbursed unless I hand in the expenses, so I'm asking all the people who are likely to be spending money on the show to clear things with me before they actually pull out their credit cards.
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