One of them was a Gummi Bears prequel show, about when the bears were dying off and being forced into hiding because of the moving in of humans. The bears were kind of like a renegade resistance element trying to figure out how to deal. The main character was a female bear who I think my brain parsed as a young Grammi Gummi, but she didn't look like her, she was a gray bear instead of brown. The other was was like a sequel to Gargoyles, with a mysterious time traveling visitor who looked like Elisa Maza used the Phoenix Gate to bring characters to a space station in the future. I don't remember as much about that one, but I remember my mind being blown.
So awesome. God, I miss the Disney Afternoon. Kids' cartoons were so much better in the 90s. Aw, man. If only it'd also had, like, Steampunk TaleSpin, this would have been the Best Dream Ever.
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