Made it through my company retreat. It was pretty long and intense, but I made it through. I even handled the three-hour drive home through the rain and the fog without careening to my death. With my night vision being what it is, that was a stressful experience. But it's done now, and I think I discharged my duties to the satisfaction of my superiors. So that's one thing down. Only about a million to go.
This week I want to finish my costume for Venezia. I bought a couple of curtains at the thrift store that I want to repurpose into my costume for Dominican friar Girolamo Savanorola. They've both got the same muted diamond-pattern texture on them, but one is gold and one is dark red. I think I will probably use the gold for this project; it's closer to the brown that one would expect from a monk, but still fancy enough for a masquerade ball.
As I've mentioned, I want something monastic-looking, but don't really want to swath myself in a great big robe. In order to make myself look more active and imposing, I want something that evokes that look while not being as confining. I'm imagining a long vest sort of shape, belted at the waist, with a hood. I think I can handle making something like that. And if I can't, well, I guess I can always just do this.
I'm concerned for your soul, you see.
It'll be good to do some sewing again, some work with my hands, after spending the last few weeks frying my brain with mental labor.
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