Thursday, June 9, 2011

Sewing project progress: Steph's purple toile apron

Yesterday I made some progress on the sewing assignments I gave myself yesterday. I made a little bit of progress hemming my skirt, though it's not finished yet. And I also began planning the apron I am going to make for katiescarlett29*.

I am a big fan of aprons made out of toile, I think they're pretty and classic; I have one in a blue print myself. So, forcing my aesthetic on others the way I often do, I began scouring the Internet to find a nice toile in purple. which for those of you who don't know is Steph's favorite, favorite color. I settled on this one I found on eBay:

Very pretty, no? I think it's perfect; Steph, I really hope you like it. (Probably should have consulted you first! My bad.) The only problem is that there was only one yard of it, which isn't quite enough fabric for the whole project. So what I am thinking is that I will make the body of the apron from this and make the straps and maybe the pockets too in a complementary fabric-- perhaps something in violet or lavender that matches the color grading in the print.

Yesterday I also drew up the pattern for the apron. Normally pattern-making is a pretty tough job requiring lots of special knowledge, but I used a tutorial that basically involved making a big rectangle and cutting off the top two corners, so it was easy enough. I taped together several sheets of printer paper and then marked off the pattern according to the specified dimensions. I then elected to fold under the excess paper rather than cutting it; one side needed a half-inch taken off, and then for the places that are supposed to allow for the arms, I drew marks along either side of the corner, and then folded under on the line that connected them. Not the most polished pattern ever made, but when I folded the whole thing in half it came out very symmetrical, which pleased me, and when I held it up to my body it seemed to be the right dimensions for an apron. Here it is on the floor of my office, where I drafted it:

The next step will be when I receive the fabric. I will cut out the pieces using my pattern, and I will go to a fabric store and see what I can find in the an appropriate material that will go with the toile to make the straps and pockets. It's already shipped, so I'm hoping I'll get a hold of it soon.


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