I am really pleased by this. I have been ready to move forward professionally for a while now, and getting into this program will give me a chance to develop my writing as well as work towards an advanced degree. It's a two-year low-residency program, which means I will generate several significant pieces of writing and critical analysis over the course of four semesters and be in correspondance with a professor who will give me feedback and guide a process of revision.
I got in on the strength of To Think of Nothing, since that was the piece I used to apply. All four professors who made the decision liked it a lot, which makes me feel really good. The program also gives opportunities for plays to be staged, and entrances into competitions to have work more widely recognized. That's pretty exciting.
It doesn't start until June, so I have some time to kill before then. I still need to figure out the finances of this, so I'm glad for the breathing room. The amorphous structure of the program means I'll still be able to work part-time, which is good. And thankfully all the larp writing will be finished by then.
So this is a really nice thing. It's nice to have something positive happen, after being so rough for so long. :-)
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