Wednesday, January 5, 2011


It occurred to me yesterday that I hadn't made any New Year's resolutions yet. It's kind of a silly tradition, but it's nice to set goals for yourself to work towards, I guess.

Last year's resolutions were to learn how to dress more stylishly and to be less of a grouch. I think I did okay on the dressing one. Not so much on the grouch thing. I think in many ways I just traded some of the anger for depression. I may be slightly less angry, but it's probably because that emotional energy is more often directed into being sad. :-P

So, I guess in no particular order, some things I plan to do/try to do in 2011:

1. Make some professional improvement. I am not going to define this specifically, but I am not satisfied with my current just-okay situation. Have already begun some more serious efforts; we'll see how this goes.

2. Get back into healthy eating and exercise habits. Jared and I have already started eating better; let's see if I can add regular workouts in there too.

3. Write, cast, direct, and put on Merely Players.

4. Write, cast, and run The Stand at Intercon and Festival

5. Help write and run Resonance at Intercon and Festival

6. Make certain that Larpercalia this year is the best Festival it can be

7. Spend time with my parents. They need me right now, and I love them.

8. Be nicer to be people. I'm a bit tired of people thinking I'm a great big meanie, but it's probably my own fault. Keeping the temper in check would probably be a good place to start.

9. Develop some better stress management techniques. I guess I don't have any truly bad reactions-- I don't drink, I don't overeat, I don't hurt myself -- but what I'm doing isn't really enough. My tension and emotional upset level is getting out of hand.

10. Learn how to be hopeful. I really don't know how.


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