Thursday, October 7, 2010

Crawling out of the smoking crator of my rage...

Wow, yesterday was a bad day. An angry, upset, yelling kind of day. Apologies to anyone whose feelings I hurt by focusing my rage on that Facebook breast cancer meme. But yesterday was not a good day for that meme to be in my world. Due to certain things I've had to deal with recently, I am a little too aware of cancer, thank you.

So, on to nicer things. It occurred to me the other day that despite my ravenous need for protein, there are not many forms of non-animal protein that I like. You'd think with the particular quirks of my metabolism any and all protein would be glommed up, but while I guess I can eat these things, I don't really enjoy them, and I don't feel satisfied afterward. Still, I am trying to experiment with reducing my meat intake at least a little for the sake of the environmental and of my pocketbook. Having failed to really enjoy soy, lentils, or really any kind of bean, I have turned to chickpeas to see if I can teach myself to like them. I found a recipe on Stonesoup called Butter Chickpeas that seemed like it might taste like my favorite Indian dish, chicken tikka masala. I didn't have garam masala, though, so I had to make it myself out of various spices I had in my cabinet that I knew garam masala often contains. Don't know how different it was from the intended dish, but while it didn't come out too badly, it wasn't what I wanted. I did a little research and found out that it was a spin on Butter Chicken, which is a dish similar to and commonly mistaken for tikka masala. Which explains it, and makes me want to find a real tikka masala sauce recipe to cook chickpeas in, because that I think I could get behind.

Also, have sought comfort in blog-reading, including some I haven't checked out in a long time. I remember why I stopped reading Tomato Nation. Back when I started reading as a little nipper all the way back in, like, 1999, her entries on this humor pop-culture-and-quirks-of-life blog used to be all essays-- I called her an "essayist" way back when I didn't know the term "blogger" --posted once weekly. And I read faithfully all through that time. But by about 2007, they started becoming little snippets of stuff and less like complete, coherent pieces. More like a personal blog, which I guess the site was, than like a column, which I kind of wanted it to be. Not that they weren't interesting, but they were usually way shorter, less substantial, and harder to follow. I dropped off not long after that point. I'm trying to give it another try for old time's sake, and I still enjoy the old essays, but the new still is a little tougher to get into.

And that's all the positivity I can must for now.


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