Finally got my hair cut today, after needing one for quite some time. My last one was right before the To Think of Nothing readthrough, all the way back in January. Way too long. So I went today, and while I was waiting, I decided to try something I've been considering for a long time but have been too timid to ask for. It's not a big alteration, but I'm vain enough that even a small unflattering detail would be distressing to me. But while I was requesting a retouching of my layers, I actually got up the courage to ask to have little sideswept bangs cut that would stay out of a ponytail and give a little framing and definition to my face when I have my hair up.
I think I am pleased with the results. Pardon the badly-lit phone-shot photograph taken in a restaurant bathroom.

See, not that different from my normal cut this way. I like that. But when I put my hair up...

See the bangs now? I like the added interest and definition. And now the pointy miniscule quality of my little pinhead is deemphasized! Yay!
It may end up driving me crazy to always have that on my face, and I'm also a little worried that my hair will not naturally want to part in a place that suits the bangs, but I think I like things. And I'm proud of myself for gathering up the courage to try something a little different. Baby steps, right?
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