Friday, July 2, 2010

Getting stuff done

Might anyone be interested in taking a size eight teal long-sleeved button-up blouse from Banana Republic off my hands? It's really nice and I like the color so I've been trying to make it work, but it's just too big and it looks weird on me because of it. It's in good condition and free to a good home.

So the Burn Notice game will not be running tomorrow. I heard from Marissa that it turns out she has a conflict she'd forgotten about on Saturday night, and since the plan was for the episode to be Riker-centric, I really don't feel like coming up with a different plotline OR cutting her out of another game. So the group is just going to have dinner together instead, which will be easier on my brain and we'll still get to enjoy each other's company. I'm not sure when the next session will be, given that I'm going out of town next weekend, but maybe we'll be able to get together on a weeknight sometime, since we'll all be in Waltham for the month of July.

Made some small progress on line memorization; I got through one and a half scenes yesterday. If I can keep that rate up, I should definitely be off-book by the deadline. I have the next three days off, so I'd better use them. Tomorrow I'm going to a much-anticipated Fourth of July party, and I want to make some dish or other to bring. Maybe a nice side dish I can make easily in large quantities.

Also, captainecchi* recently approached me with a really cool idea. I'm not going to say anything about it yet before I've got anything substantial, but look for it soon...


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