I would like to extend an amazing thanks to flyingstalins* for pointing me in the direction of the Muppet special I was seeking. It is called "Secrets of the Muppets" (the fact that I was always searching using the words "behind-the-scenes" may have prevented me from finding it) and I delightedly watched it on Youtube yesterday. It was really cool to be reminded just how much effort and cleverness goes into making the Muppets seem so real and seamless. Henson's work is so beautifully and appears so effortless it's easy to forget what technological genius it required to put it together. It makes me want to devote my life to puppetry just to share in some small part of the fantastic acheivement.
Now I want to watch Muppet stuff all day long. Also, this picture, combined with the caption beneath it, cracked me up:

"Sam disapproves of Liberace."
Heehee. Yes, I am certain that Sam does. ;-)
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