Friday, January 8, 2010

Bookshelf trek

Eventful evening yesterday. A lovely group of BSCFers gathers at my house, while I spent the early part of the evening attending a read through of To Think of Nothing on Skype. Arranged by Charlotte, who is playing Selene, it was really good to get to hear another run through of the lines. I'm really grateful to Charlotte for organizing it, and I'd love to do it again if they have time before they get back from break. After that I went back out into the living room and spent some time with the guests before zonking out on the couch, as is typically for me for late gatherings. Sadly I missed an opportunity to play Small World, introduced to me by laurion* and my current favorite boardgame, but there will always be other chances. I'm planning on having another BSCF at my place next Thursday evening as well, so maybe then.

Today after work I am going into Boston to buy a bookshelf I found listed on Craigslist. It's a cheap, junky thing from Ikea, in most cases not something I'd consider worth it, but Bernie and I were talking about having a tall bookshelf in the background as part of the To Think of Nothing set, and this one is only five dollars. Maybe if I can make it look less cheap and tacky somehow (stain? I don't know what the thing's made of) I can get some use out of it myself. Not sure where I'll put it; I already have a shorter, wider bookshelf in my room that is actually getting a bit overcrowded, so I guess I could sub it in, but then I'd have to find a place for the old one.


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