Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Work for the downtime

Been feeling very off these past few days. Trying to relax and get centered again.

Jared is finally finished with all his work and feels pretty good about it, which is an enormous weight off my mind. Unfortunately for me, his finishing means he needs to go home now. I'll be taking him to the airport after work today, and he'll won't be back until January 17th. I'm kind of sorry that now that things have finally evened out we don't get to be together for a month, but we'll make the best of it like we always do.

I am resolving to try and not get so irritated about everything the way I have been lately. I feel like I'm turning into this seething mound of discontent that my friends soon won't want to be around. Also I've been clenching my teeth a lot, which is a combination of anger-stress and constantly being too cold. There's a habit I'd like to kick as quick as possible.

I want to use this month effectively. There will be a great deal less going on to which I have responsibilities. No Jared around means a lot more lonely time, but its one positive is that it frees up my timetable a lot more-- no driving him places, no running errands, no conforming to his schedule --so since my time will be entirely my own I want to utilize it efficiently. Interesting people do interesting things. These are mine. I tell myself that when I start to want to lock myself in my room and never have responsibilities ever again.

The major things I must do--
- Prepare for the next session of Burn Notice. We're restarting after a long hiatus, but I really want this game to keep going.
- Work on my seven assigned characters for Labor Wars
- Block To Think of Nothing, and see if I can figure out how to schedule rehearsals in advance
- Get together applications for grad schools
- Finishing (finally!) the fucking Hamlet DVD


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