If the next two weeks don't kill me, I'll know I can do anything.
Alice character sheets are out. Reactions have been positive so far, though I haven't heard from everyone. Special thanks to Jared for the care he put into casting with me, by which I mean "not letting my tired ass just throw people wherever 'cause I wanted to go sleepy-bye."
I sent out the Oz world bluesheet last night, though with one false start of sending an earlier draft with the same file name that wasn't quite finished. That's fixed now, and hopefully that will tide players over until they get their character sheets. Special thanks to Bernie for helping me with ideas and problems, by which I mean "putting up with my screaming at him for not being able to read my mind and understand my story despite my not having him told it to him."
Paranoia will be casting shortly. We just need a time in our busy schedules when we all can meet. We may have to do it TMA style, and just write down our impressions and compare them. There's a lot of leeway in any given character anyway, so it shouldn't be too hard for players to do what they like with whoever they are.
Jared's parents are coming this weekend. I will at the very least probably being going out to dinner with them and him Friday night. I want to be able to be with them all as often as they want me, but I also need to fit my mountains of work in on my free days.
I also have a Latin midterm this coming Wednesday. When I'm going to have time to study for this, I have no idea.
I am working very hard not panic. I am hoping to use intense planning and scheduling as a means to control my situation and stay on top of it. I have to write sheets, plan out what needs to be printed, format everything, buy supplies, study for Latin, go out with Jared and his family... all in the next week.
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